🌚🙏🏾 Good evening, everyone!! Today I want to talk to you about the security of your devices. A year ago, I started trading on the stock exchange due to a change of residence; I had to learn a new profession, which I basically did. In crypto, I was very attracted to futures trading, and I do quite well at it. In the first 3 weeks of futures trading, I achieved about 300% on 20x leverage. Then I began to notice that the entire game was going against me as if on purpose, and that's when I realized my traffic was being stolen and they were trying to bankrupt me. As you all understand, my traffic was controlled by certain people. After 8 months of investigations, I identified ways you can be hacked, specifically through traffic theft. I work with an iPhone 14 Pro.
1. I took my phone to the App Store in the Philippines, and they installed a jailbreak on it without my knowledge. This can be removed using the iTunes recovery function.
2. With the help of exploits, a virus is introduced to your phone via GSM signal. The solution is to close all applications during screen time and use a password. And install antivirus software.
3. They catch your mobile signal with an IMSI CATCHER, and if you have VPN on your devices and hackers have done what I mentioned above to your device, don't even think about VPN help. To escape this problem, you need to eliminate the previous issues described above.
4. Constantly monitor your calendar, disable iMessage, and remove events from photos.
5. Disable automatic software updates and everything related to it.
6. If you use an iPhone, disable 'Content Update' in the settings of each app. If hackers are stalking you, they forge the security certificate of the app, and a small update with malicious code occurs.
7. Electrical sockets. My advice is never to charge your device from a cable. The electrical panel is modified automatically by the Smart Home controller, and your phone is compromised while charging. They even modify the cable going to you in the electrical panel. So, when you open your panel, you will see nothing.
8. Don't forget if you charge your phone via a USB cable, remember one thing. A USB cable can contain information. If your gadget was infected, it also infected the cable. When you remove the virus from the gadget, it comes back through the cable while charging. My advice is to use wireless charging.
9. Occasionally, when unlocking the phone, it asks for the phone password instead of Face ID. The hack happens because spyware is stored in the phone's cache, and when you enter the password, control over the phone is handed over to a nearby device, which hacks your Apple ID password. Villains access your Apple ID via a Mac, installing a screen-sharing app on their Mac, and at the moment when you enter the passcode for your phone, you are granting access to that app, and your screen is being monitored. For example, by a neighbor. Through the HOME app, they connect Binance to the TV and sniff the Binance screen. SOLUTION - never delete the HOME app. Set synchronization with iCloud. Go to security and perform an emergency reset (do this while VPN is turned on; otherwise, you won't reset). My advice to you: clear the cache; check YouTube for instructions on 'how to clear the cache by changing the date.' NEVER perform a hard reset of your device. When resetting, the exploit reappears in the cache. REQUEST - developers from APPLE, please fix this. Make a 'manual cache reset' or have control over the cache. ALSO, pay attention to Safari; make sure to set security permissions on it. First, they hack the browser, and then as I described above.
10. If you have a virus in the cache and can't get rid of it, how to detect it? When on the IPv4 IP address, find a site to check your IP. If it says there is a Proxy server without VPN, it means you are being monitored by special services; one such virus was already discovered in a journalist. How to fight it? Set up the IPv6 protocol, and if you have a rotation IP address feature on your Wi-Fi or VPN, NEVER USE IT. When rotating, the virus changes the IP to IPv4 and stands before the VPN connection, leading to leaks. Also, install antivirus software.
11. Do not use Telegram; through it, villains upload spyware to your device. Telegram is a very powerful hacking tool.
12. Do not connect your phone to a computer that you are not sure is reliable. Even if you use iTunes, a computer with a virus will infect your phone through iTunes.
13. This is the last step I got rid of a couple of hours ago. In the app settings, there is an option to clear the cache. In just a couple of hours of work, it had grown to 560 megabytes. Hackers use exploits to insert settings, and the app itself retransmits traffic data. Also, perform network testing.
I have been hacked for about 2 years now. They use newer and newer methods. I constantly update this information.
In my experience, I do not use antivirus software; Apple has sufficient security (Norton, Avast - Symantec Corporation). I DO NOT RECOMMEND USING IT, AND IT IS SPYWARE. They come in, create a local network, and redirect traffic to themselves. I recommend VPN NORDVPN. The most reliable protocol is OPENVPN TCP/IP. So far, it seems I have evaded them. But we stay alert.
Wishing everyone safe work!! 👽🛸