RARE is currently trading at 0.2379 and showing 20.270.22, which is a key level for buyers. In terms of resistance, 0.28 is a key level to watch. If RARE is able to break through this resistance, it may see further gains. However, if it falls below 0.22, a retracement to 0.20 is likely.


SYS is trading at 0.1632, up 58.910.15, a support level that has been strong in the recent market correction. The key resistance level to monitor is 0.18. If this resistance is broken, it may trigger further gains. Conversely, if SYS falls below 0.15, a retracement to 0.13 is likely.


ARPA is currently trading at 0.04281, up 22.890.04, which is a key level for buyers. In terms of resistance, 0.05 is a key level to watch. If ARPA is able to break through this resistance, it may see more gains. However, if it falls below 0.04, it may retreat to $0.035.

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