A man's courage determines how far he can go. The following ten kinds of courage determine whether a man can stand out in a complex world and create brilliance.

1. **Ambitious and daring to pursue dreams** Only with the ambition to make a fortune can one bravely take the first step to pursue greater success.

2. **Brave pursuit of beauty and love**

Dare to make friends with beautiful women, not only is the attraction of appearance, but also a test of self-confidence and taste.

3. **Remain calm in the face of change and respond calmly**

In the face of major events, calmness can find the best solution and do not panic.

4. **Put down face and dare to break through**

Not caring about face sometimes means bravely stepping out of the comfort zone, daring to challenge oneself, and breaking through bottlenecks.

5. **Double test of wisdom and courage**

Only by having the patience to fight wits and courage with opponents, being good at planning, and daring to act can you win in the competition.

6. **Have the heart to control, be steady and self-sustaining**

Being able to control emotions and keep calm is an indispensable quality for a mature man.

7. **Ambitious and courageous**

Have the ambition to fight and fight, be brave to face challenges, not afraid of failure, and move forward courageously.

8. **Success or determination to fight again**

Either stand out or start over, there is no option to retreat, only to keep moving forward.

9. **Perseverance and face difficulties**

Overcoming difficulties requires perseverance, so that you can keep moving forward in adversity and finally achieve your goals.

10. **Shoulder responsibility and take responsibility bravely**

Responsibility is the cornerstone of men. Being able to take responsibility and not evade responsibility is a real man.

These courages are indispensable qualities for men on the journey of life. Only by cultivating and practicing these courages can you truly stand at the top.