The market in recent days is indeed a bit boring. It is difficult to fall sharply or rise sharply. The market liquidity is extremely low. If there is no new capital entering the market, the market may fluctuate repeatedly in this range. Under the current market conditions, it is the best choice to control your hands and not toss. It is relatively safe to open a spot position on the right side. If you really want to participate, it is recommended to look long and short. Once you feel something is wrong, leave the market decisively. Even if you make a wrong judgment, you will probably return to the starting point. It is not recommended to look short and long. Once you have the fantasy of expanding the pattern after making a profit, you may miss the opportunity and end up in vain. After playing for a while, you will find that this is not only a waste of energy, but also not as profitable as the trend market. This is the characteristic of the volatile market!