How to grasp and avoid risks in a bull market?

First of all, it should be made clear that a bull market does not mean that you can make money by buying anything you want. The market may be hot, but don't follow the trend blindly.

So how can you get benefits in a bull market while trying not to step on thunder?

1. Do some homework first and choose some reliable coins

Don't buy any coin that rises sharply, as this will easily make you a fool. Before buying, first understand what this coin does, whether the technology is good, whether the team is reliable, and whether it has a future. In this way, no matter how the market changes, you will have an idea in your mind.

2. Don't bet all your money on one coin

The currency circle changes very quickly. The coins that everyone is scrambling for today may not be wanted tomorrow. Therefore, it is safer to spread your money in different coins. In this way, even if a coin has problems, you will not lose too much.

3. Set a time to sell and a time to buy

When you make money, stop when you see a good profit, don't be too greedy. If the market is not right, you must have the courage to withdraw in time. In this way, you can play well in the bull market.

4. Stay calm and don't be led by others

In the bull market, everyone is easily overwhelmed, but don't forget that the things that everyone is chasing are not necessarily reliable. Don't buy a certain coin just because others are rushing to buy it. Stay calm and follow your own routine.

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