That day, I sat in front of the computer, staring at the price curve of Neiro tokens, with mixed feelings. A few days ago, the market was in turmoil, and the price of Neiro fell all the way. I began to feel nervous, fearing that continuing to hold would cause greater losses. Despite the inner struggle, I finally decided to sell at a loss, thinking that at least part of the principal was saved.

When I clicked the "Sell" button, I couldn't tell whether I was relieved or a little unwilling. After selling at a loss, I kept paying attention to the price trend of Neiro, hoping that my choice was correct. However, unexpectedly, within a few days, Neiro began to rebound strongly, soaring all the way back to the high point before I sold it, and even exceeded that price.

Looking at the rising numbers on the screen, I felt uncomfortable, as if someone had stabbed me in the heart. The wealth that was clearly in my hands a few days ago has now become a mirage. I regret my hesitation at the time, and regret that I didn't persist a little longer and failed to stabilize my mentality in the storm.

Friends were sharing their gains from the surge in the group, and their laughter seemed to invisibly increase my frustration. I kept replaying the moment when I sold Neiro a few days ago in my mind, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt upset.

I began to reflect on why I was so eager to sell at a loss? Was it because I was afraid of losses, or because I couldn't bear the market fluctuations? This experience made me understand that investment requires not only vision, but also firm belief and enough patience. In the future market, I hope I can learn from this lesson, no longer be swayed by short-term fluctuations, learn to stay calm in the wind and rain, and wait for the harvest that truly belongs to me.