Some chicken soup for a thunderstorm:

1. Forget the illusory dreams, stay away from those who talk big, set practical goals, and pay attention to every detail during execution. Repeated training, repeated attempts, and you will eventually achieve the results you want.

2. All diseases in the world are ultimately poverty diseases.

3. Things that can make you collapse are also giving you the opportunity to reshape yourself.

4. What you need to reflect on is your own vision and knowledge, not doubting your sincerity and kindness.

5. God will let you experience things you can't learn over and over again until you correct this shortcoming.

6. Give up proving yourself to others and yourself. Focus on doing what you should do and solve problems without distraction. When you walk your own way down to earth, the urge to prove something will become less and less. You will also become relaxed and free.

7. No matter how lonely you are, don't re-establish deep connections with people casually.

8. Finding the right partner is more important than a monthly salary of one million. The right person can make you a toothless baby even when you are old. The wrong person will only make your health worse and your face uglier.

9. Eat when you should eat and sleep when you should sleep.
