Sun.Pump has been very popular recently, mainly because the market is full of hot money and funds are constantly flowing in. In this case, it is easy to make money in any project. On the contrary, when market funds flow out, even the best projects will become difficult and unable to make money.

I reminded everyone to pay attention to risks when the meme coin craze was around May, and reduced some of my holdings. Now it seems that it was indeed a relative high point for many meme coins at that time.

For Sun.Pump, I did not participate in any promotion or publicity, but just objectively analyzed its opportunities. Although Sun Ge is controversial and it is very risky to gamble with him, Tron itself is the cornerstone of Sun Ge's stable income, and there is no need to hurt it.

When the market was touting institutional coins and celebrity financing, I was one of the first people in the Chinese circle to play Pepe, and my historical tweets can prove it.

There are often some big opportunities in the currency circle, which may not be known to everyone. Meme coins must be simple and easy to spread, and the concepts and images must be easy to resonate, and they must be able to be re-created to form culture.

Recently, I saw some KOLs promoting Sun.Pump-related currencies, such as Sundog. I also held some before. I bought the bottom of the market last night. As a result, I found that they were too eager to promote and ignore the differences in operation and promotion between top memes and excellent memes. The way top memes are spread will cause the source of information to fluctuate, but it is difficult to trace the source, and this simple trading method lacks imagination.

At present, I have not seen any targets with top meme potential in Sun.Pump, and I need to continue to observe.

#sunpump #歙ć‰Čè¶…èƒœćŠ›