DOGE Prediction for August 17.


The price of DOGE has gone up by 1.93% over the last day.

On the hourly chart, the rate of DOGE has broken the local resistance level of $0.1014. If the daily bar closes above this mark, the upward move may continue to the $0.1035 zone tomorrow.

On the bigger time frame, the picture has not changed much. The price of the meme coin keeps trading in the middle of the wide channel, which means neither buyers nor sellers have enough energy for a further move.

In this case, ongoing sideways trading in the area of $0.10-$.1050 is the more likely scenario for next week.

From the midterm point of view, the situation is quite similar. If the weekly bar closes around the current prices, traders may expect consolidation around $0.10 until the end of the month.

DOGE is trading at $0.1024 at press time.