1. Hold on to low-priced chips: Don’t be easily fooled, be firm in your beliefs, and beware of the dealer’s deliberate market crash.

2. Avoid chasing rising prices and selling falling prices: Full-position operation is a taboo. It is better to build positions in batches when the market is falling to control risks. Chasing rising prices often does not make up for the losses.

3. Allocate profits reasonably: You should know how to plan reasonably. Don’t just add funds to the market blindly, but let the funds flow effectively.

4. Mentality is crucial: sell your money when the price rises sharply, hold on to your money when the price falls sharply, stay calm, avoid speculation and impetuousness, and don’t be greedy and fearful.

5. There is a difference between private placement and the secondary market: early low-priced coins rely on experience and gambling, while later market games rely on technology and information. Don’t get confused.

6. There should be levels for building positions and shipping: gradually widen the price range, operate in layers, and control risks and profit points.

7. Be familiar with the linkage effect: Understand the linkage between currencies, look at the overall market changes, don’t fight alone, and make full use of analysis tools.

8. Reasonable allocation of positions: The allocation of hot coins and value coins should be balanced. They should be able to withstand pressure and seize profit opportunities. They should not be too conservative or aggressive.

9. Investing spare money: ensuring that the account has sufficient funds, not going all in, and properly allocating funds and exercising risk control are the keys to success.