#Neiro @neiroethcto x40 in a few days, a classic marketing trick.

1. First, Dev created more than 420B tokens, then on July 27 sent 10B tokens to the ETH king @VitalikButerin, then continuously sent, totaling more than 17B tokens.

2. The next day, July 28, Neiro listed on the DEX but liq only had more than $100k, I followed some smart money wallets and saw them buying at the same time, I called a few close friends who have a gambling taste like @LisaFlorentina8 because this bet has a high gambling factor

3. On August 4, Vitalik sold all of the above 17B tokens, earning 119k$ (suddenly got a bunch of money, so happy :v). The sell order created a sharp slide and then was pulled up

4. So Vitalik accepted this bribe from dev Neiro. So a plan was implemented. At this time on Dex, there were about 3 Neiros, 1 on sol and 2 on ETH, of the 2 on ETH, one had a cap of about 200M and this one had a cap of a few M at that time. The cap of a few M is the one I'm talking about. After Vitalik's sell action, the price was pulled up nearly x10 with a cap of more than 10M but then dumped back to about 1M. At this point, most of them gave up. This is step 1 of Dev Neiro's plan

5. The next step on August 5, dev#Neiro@neiroethcto tweeted directly, tagging ETH founder @VitalikButerin with the content that Vitalik sold neiro for 40ETH ($119k). The proceeds will be donated to charities. This tweet has attracted 120k views.

But the main purpose of step 1 of giving tokens above and the tweet in step 5 is a reply to the above tweet of the project from Vitalik. This reply from Vitalik attracted 675.6k views and brought Neiro to the top. Oh my god! Really top. From the formation to the action.

The result is from 1M to the current 45.4M cap. X more than 40 times in a few days.As for me, I sold it too early, how could I eat it?