#WBTCUSD WBTC: The current market is fluctuating downward at the daily level. Today's market is not very volatile. The strength of the bulls at the 4-hour level is still not high. After the yellow signal point was closed in the early morning, it has been in a sideways state and has not entered the consolidation range. It is best to wait for the retracement without breaking 57445.80-56314.42, indicating that the market has the possibility of going long.

If it stands firmly at 59720.11, long orders can be held firmly, with the target around 62015.04-64106.39, but if it falls below 58430.18, it may test the previous low again. #WBTC #WBTC脱锚 #美联储何时降息? #美国7月PPI低于预期 $BTC $ETH $WBTC