#cvp $CVP

CVP today's market analysis:

1H purple warning, 2/4H clear short control, has broken the issue price.

Focus: 4H long and short critical point 0.1333, pay close attention.

Rebound expectations: challenge 0.1555, 0.1753 to 0.1934.

Strategy: keep a close eye on the market, accurately capture the long and short conversion, spot positions need to respond flexibly! If you like to hoard spot contracts, Junyang is a treasure pot. You can find this 👉@Square-Creator-38f0acad4

Again, the next 🍜 picture 🈶 wealth code #CVP.智能策略库🥇🥇 #CVP.24小时交易策略 #CVP.每日智能策略 #TON