It's time to recharge your faith again!!!

Gold ETF passed on November 18, 2004, and consolidated for a year before it began to rise in 2005, rising for 6 years.

It peaked in 2011, and even the outbreak of the financial crisis in 2008 did not change its long-term trend.

BTC's ETF was launched on January 18, 2024, and has been consolidating since then. I don't know if it will go out of the bull market for several years like gold!

But the current high point is also a staged top, and the gold ETF just went online in 2004 to the high point in 2011, and it has risen nearly 10 times.

It's not too much for Bitcoin to rise 5 times! The corresponding space is more than 300,000 US dollars

So the high point you think is possible now will be at the foot of the mountain in the future.