Do you know why the price of Bitcoin and Bitcoin plummeted so badly some time ago!

Bitcoin reached 48,000 and then rose to 60,000, because quantum computing was instantly deciphered. Someone must have asked, will it rise again?

I said I think everyone must think I am bragging and talking nonsense.

After reading the logic of the rise, we look at the essence of the world and everything behind it. Bitcoin and gold are both non-interest-bearing assets, and which country has the most assets? I don’t need to say that everyone knows that he owes 35 trillion in national debt. If it doesn’t rise, what will he use to pay the interest?

Lao Liu analyzed that the sluggish market is only temporary, and it is likely to be affected by some aspects.

Don’t think that I am just a trader who can only brag. We traders may not know less than those so-called 🧱 experts.

Lao Liu also knows that the 3036 Olympics will be held in China. If you don’t believe it, let’s make a bet. #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #美国7月PPI低于预期 #加密市场反弹 #美联储何时降息? $ETH