The CORE wallet was stolen, which was very strange, because I usually pay attention to security, do not visit unknown websites, and rarely play cat-stroking projects. At present, there are only two or three signed-in cat-stroking projects left, and the interactive ones are all An An and OK projects. Even so, it was stolen. I really feel that science and technology are the primary productive forces, and there is no deception.
Because this address is the CORE airdrop address, I don’t use it very often. The number flashed and returned to zero when I opened the wallet. I knew there was a problem. I opened it and saw that on July 24, 15:51:14, 3.4144 COREs were all transferred away, and there were more than a dozen digits after 3.4144. I imported the transfer address and saw that, my goodness, it is conservatively estimated that there are no less than 100,000 addresses. I was tired of looking through them, and I didn’t let go of 0.001. As long as I could transfer out, I transferred all.
Currently, this wallet has 359.8273 COREs, all of which were transferred in on July 24. There is no record of transfer out. It is possible that multiple accounts received the coins. So, a lot of them should have been stolen, but there is no relevant report.
Finally, you said you have this technology, so why don't you do something else? What's the point of stealing this little money? You can make more than this money in a day by writing a quantitative article.