Let’s review the “magic operations” of the community KOLs yesterday🏆

Yesterday’s MVP was our community’s newly added “Brother Chen” who opened a short position at ETH 2654 and took profit at 2548, with a total profit of 4%. If converted into BTC, there is a profit of about 2200 points!

The director is also good. He gave a “short order” at BTC 59800! , took profit at 58000, and the profit reached 1800 points!

Brother Feng gave a long order of BTC 58250 yesterday morning, and took profit at 59250 in the evening, with a profit of 1000 points!

Boyang’s short order of BTC 59716, took profit at 57504, and made a profit of 2200 points (but he hung up 3 short orders, 2 of which lost 700 points) with a total profit of 1500 points!

Vivian asked everyone to close their long orders at 59800, and gave a copycat short order!

Daniel "prompted" that it might not be able to go up when BTC was at 59700! ~

The big guys are still very accurate~ Did you guys make money? 😘