There has been no continuous decline recently. On the contrary, the market is doing very well. Just learn more and seize your own opportunities.

It is said that compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. For example, it seems very simple to make money by speculating in cryptocurrencies.

If you have 1 million yuan of capital and double your income every year, this income is theoretically very simple. After all, in the cryptocurrency circle, people are always looked down upon if you don’t have dozens of times of income every year.

1 million yuan, 2 million yuan, 4 million yuan, 8 million yuan, 16 million yuan... in four years, you will have 16 million yuan.

But this is only a theoretical result of mathematics. It is not easy to do in practice. So what interrupts your compound interest?

It is making a big mistake.

Missing out is not a big mistake. If you make a mistake, it is not a big mistake as long as you stop loss. Only when you carry a high leverage order and finally cut your losses is a big mistake. No matter how many times you have done it right before, as long as you make a big mistake once, the previous right will be 0, and compound interest will be terminated.

This is why so many people have not made any money or even suffered a huge loss even though they have not missed out in the past few years.

In 10 big market trends, even if you miss out on 5 opportunities and make 2 mistakes but stop loss, if you only catch 3 opportunities, you will still get 10 times or even dozens of times more profit. The reason why many people cannot do this is because they make big mistakes and cannot accumulate compound interest by making losses and gains.

What's the use of doubling your profit this time, but then losing half of it when the market crashes?

If your operating method is to sell high and buy low, you will most likely not be able to catch the trend. It should be the other way around, do the trend, not the shock.

Go short when the price rises too high, and don't go long when the price falls too low. Follow the direction of the original trend. When the price rises, continue to go long no matter how high it rises, and when the price falls, continue to go short no matter how low it falls.

That is to say, don’t guess the low or the high;

The current market is very similar to the wave of 2019, so you can make a layout

I like spot and can keep up

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