First of all, Lao Liu firmly supports Binance in cracking down on bad bloggers. Coin friends should not easily believe in the temptation of others, stay vigilant, and have their own opinions and views...

Since Lao Liu went to deal with personal matters in the morning today and accompanied his children to travel around in the afternoon, he did not watch the market today and did not share analysis opinions and strategies with everyone. I apologize to the coin friends here...

The children's summer vacation is almost over. I originally planned to take some time in August to accompany my wife and children to go around. As a result, I encountered a black swan. Many coin friends were trapped or even liquidated. Lao Liu insisted on sticking to his post that day and shared the daily analysis results with everyone for free, just to let everyone recover their losses and hope that everyone will lose less. Lao Liu is not a master of making money forever. There are times when he loses money, but his winning rate is higher than that of ordinary investors! The strategy is relatively stable to achieve small stop losses and large profits. Lao Liu has a clear conscience for the strategies he shares every day.

Continue to pay attention to Lao Liu for a long time and you will find my charm! I am Lao Liu, a wave theory enthusiast! #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #美国7月PPI低于预期 #美联储何时降息? $ETH