Scroll, stroking, the fire is coming Scroll

Testnet, mainnet, before Cancun, after Cancun, are just as bad as other chains.

It’s so expensive, card after card, how long has it been on the mainnet, and it still hasn’t been connected to the exchange.

The official UX is so poorly designed again

Tasks of the same dapp should be placed together

Mint completed badges should be marked on the task board.

I finally completed the task, but the badge still cannot be mint.

I'm wasting my time every day

But guess what? I still rolled up the rolls, just these rolls, I don’t need the rest, Pai

Just rearrange the task board. If you can do two tasks with one transaction, just research it yourself. The picture is a bit blurry, but I am too lazy to use it. If you want to know more, I will leave it in the comment area.

Just make a few minimum living security accounts and see if they can increase the weight. Good luck~…

#scroll #Layer2 #Ethereum(ETH) $ETH