ChainCatcher news, according to CoinDesk, the Ethereum EVM Object Format (EOF) improvement proposal has been included in the Pectra hard fork, which is expected to be executed later this year or early next year. The EOF proposal is a series of smaller changes aimed at major upgrades to the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), the core programming environment of Ethereum. EOF will make smart contracts more developer-friendly, especially for those who use Solidity or Vyper programming languages ​​to build decentralized applications. This series of changes is very subtle and may break existing smart contracts, so developers have added a new version to allow DApp builders to choose which version of EVM to use when deploying code.

Parithosh Jayanthi, a core developer at the Ethereum Foundation, said that EOF will be the first major change related to the EVM in many years, laying the foundation for future upgrades of the EVM and demonstrating the intention to continue improving the EVM.