Kudos to the team for taking proactive measures to safeguard our crypto assets! The recent migration of assets to new multisig wallets is a huge step towards ensuring our investments remain secure.

I must say, the transparency throughout this process has been commendable. Keeping us informed about the measures being taken to protect our assets has helped alleviate concerns and built trust.

The complexity of this migration process is understandable, and I appreciate the caution being exercised. It's better to take the time to get it right than to rush and risk compromising security.

The publication of the new wallet list once the migration is complete will provide an added layer of transparency, and I'm looking forward to it.

To those affected by the recent incident, I hope you're finding support and guidance from the team. The availability of the affected assets list and transaction details on-chain is helpful for tracking and recovery efforts.

This experience has reinforced the importance of prioritizing security in the crypto space. I'm grateful for the team's commitment to our assets' safety and their dedication to maintaining a secure environment.

Keep up the fantastic work, and thank you for your tireless efforts in protecting our investments!

#CryptoSecurity #AssetProtection #TransparencyMatters #SecurityFirst #CryptoCommunitys