One thing I want to say is that the interest rate cut is now complete.

The last time it went from 53,500 to 70,000 was because the market confirmed that the interest rate would be cut.

It fell from 70,000 to 49,000. It was a panic recession.

The pullback from 49,000 to 62,000 was an oversold rebound, and the economy was not that bad, so the mood eased.

Then the subsequent market will start to price and not price the impact of the recession.

If trading under the influence of this recession, it will be difficult to make much progress in the short term, and the US election has not yet settled, and each presidential candidate has different policy guidelines.

Subsequent trading will be more difficult. In the future, we have to wait until the economy starts to stop falling and stabilize, and there will be a market after recovery.

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