Analysis of the Bitcoin and Ethereum market in the evening:

Good evening, brothers. I will go out to hang out soon. I am afraid that I will be taken away if I drink too much at night, so I will send you the market analysis in advance. There will be CPI data at 8:30 tonight. Pay attention to the market fluctuations. If it is higher than expected, it will be bearish, and if it is lower than expected, it will be bullish.

$BTC I said during the day that if it falls below 60650, the 1-hour level will start to pull back. After breaking through, it stands above this position, which means it can't go down. It has risen to the first pressure level of 61530.

Pay attention to the position below 60900 at night. As long as it does not break this position, the market will still go up. The upper target continues to pay attention to the positions around 61530-62700-63400!

If it falls below 60900 at night, the 1/2 hour level will start to pull back. Pay attention to the positions around 60120-59300-58400 below. As long as the 4-hour level does not fall below 60120, it will still go up after stepping! #BTC走势分析

$ETH It should be said that it has been a bit hard in the past few days. I said during the day to pay attention to the position of 2701. If you stand on this position, it will go up. It has now been pulled to the second pressure level of 2755!

Pay attention to the position of 2725 below at night. As long as it does not break this position, the market will still go up. First look at the previous high 2755 above. After breaking through, the target continues to pay attention to the positions around 2793-2840-2882!

If it falls below 2725 at night, the 1/2 hour level will start to pull back. Pay attention to the positions around 2695-2675-2645 below. As long as the 4-hour level does not fall below 2695, it will still go up after stepping on it! #ETH走势分析

(Want to know the daily trend analysis of Ethereum, please pay attention to it and bring you the latest market analysis and accurate pin points every day)