BTC stands at 60,000, bullish signal⁉️Ethereum daily line 6 consecutive positive, as if the bull market has started⁉️📈📈

Retail investors are thinking about whether the bull market will turn back⁉️

Compared the volume and trend of Ethereum, including the action of Bitcoin here, because there are only a handful of analysts who have been bullish and bearish in the entire market, so I think this set of data should be the most appropriate for me to give a reminder. Of course, this is just a guess, because the bullish signal is generally confusing. Everyone knows that I am good at shorting in the bull market, because the signal is not false, but many bullish signals will be false, so a set of bullish comparison signals is given. By the way, please feel free to make money, if it is a smoke bomb, don't spray

First, compare the daily structure of ETH. The daily level magnification comparison is compared with the bull market at the beginning of the year. The gate has fallen and the stop-loss signal has been released

Second, the daily structure is similar to the previous bull market. Bitcoin first strengthened, and the daily line rose slowly📈The callback is slight

#美国7月PPI低于预期 #加密市场反弹