Former US President Trump made a U-turn on the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

And the current President Biden suddenly announced his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential election and recommended Vice President Harris as the Democratic candidate.

As the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out, Trump expressed his criticism of the Biden administration's policy of supporting Ukraine on many occasions.

He once said that if he returned to the White House, he would end the Russia-Ukraine conflict within 24 hours, and accused the Biden administration of "unlimited aid" to Ukraine of triggering World War III.

Trump's position was seen at the time as a unique insight into the Ukraine issue, but it also sparked widespread controversy.

Trump's criticism mainly focuses on two aspects: First, he believes that the Biden administration's aid policy is too radical and may trigger a larger-scale conflict.

The second is the concern that such aid will exacerbate tensions between the United States and Russia, thereby harming the national interests of the United States.

However, just when people thought Trump would stick to this position, he suddenly changed his tone in a recent televised debate.

Trump said he would never accept any peace talks proposed by Putin that came at the expense of Ukraine's interests, and promised to give Ukraine more support if he was elected president.

This change not only shocked the audience at the scene and hundreds of millions of viewers in front of the TV, but also attracted widespread attention from domestic and international media.

Trump's change may seem abrupt, but there are actually complex political considerations behind it.

When Biden announced his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential election, he gave several reasons, including health status, support within the party, and personal wishes.

However, from a professional perspective, Biden's withdrawal from the election was not entirely out of personal will, but the result of the combined effect of multiple factors.

On the one hand, Biden's physical condition does not allow him to withstand high-intensity campaign activities.

On the other hand, support for Biden within the Democratic Party has gradually declined, and party leaders have put pressure on him to withdraw from the election.

In addition, Biden also realizes that he is at a disadvantage in the competition with Trump, and continuing to run for election may only exacerbate the division and frustration of the Democratic Party.

With Biden's withdrawal from the race, Vice President Harris became the new candidate of the Democratic Party.

Harris's rise not only reflects the power shift within the Democratic Party, but also reflects American society's concern about issues such as multiculturalism and gender equality.

As the first female, African-American and South Asian vice president of the United States, Harris's governing experience and political stance have won her broad support.

However, she also needs to face competitive pressure from the Republican Party and other Democratic parties, as well as voters' questioning and testing of her policy proposals.

Trump's change of attitude on the Russia-Ukraine conflict can be interpreted from multiple angles.

First, Trump may want to change his stance to win the support of voters who oppose the United States' unlimited aid to Ukraine for campaign strategy reasons.

Secondly, Trump may realize that his initial position on the Russia-Ukraine conflict was too simple and radical to win the understanding and support of the international community.

Therefore, he chose to demonstrate his flexibility and pragmatism in international affairs by changing his position.

Finally, Trump may also be trying to put pressure on Russia to show that the United States will not completely abandon its support for Ukraine in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

While Trump's change of attitude may bring certain short-term benefits to his campaign, it may also damage his credibility among his core supporters.

A considerable portion of Trump's voters support his tough stance and straightforward policy proposals.

Therefore, Trump's sudden turn on the Russia-Ukraine conflict may disappoint and confuse this group of voters.

In addition, Trump's shift may also trigger more questions and discussions about his political motives and integrity.

Biden's withdrawal from the race and Harris's rise have pushed American politics into new uncertainties.

Biden's withdrawal from the race not only disrupts the Democratic Party's campaign plans, but may also have an impact on the Republican Party's campaign strategy.

Trump may use this opportunity to strengthen his campaign and win more voter support.

At the same time, Harris' campaign will face many challenges and tests, including how to deal with Republican attacks and how to win the trust and support of voters.

Changes in the American political arena will not only have an impact on domestic politics, but may also have a profound impact on international politics.

First, Biden’s withdrawal from the election may cause the international community to have more concerns about the stability of American politics.

As one of the world's superpowers, the political stability of the United States is of great significance to maintaining the international order and promoting international cooperation.

Secondly, Harris’s campaign may also trigger a reassessment of US foreign policy by the international community.

As a female, African-American and South Asian vice presidential candidate, Harris's foreign policy proposals may focus more on issues such as multiculturalism and global cooperation.

There will also be more international concerns about the political stability of the United States.

Other countries may re-examine their relations and cooperation strategies with the United States.

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