1. Trade frequently - don't treat the market as a casino

Many novices feel like Wall Street wolves as soon as they enter the market, and they wish they could trade every minute. What is the result? The account balance goes up and down like a roller coaster, and in the end, only the heartbeat memory remains. Don't forget that the market is not a casino. If you trade every day, your wallet will not be able to bear it. Next time you feel like trading, have a cup of tea to calm down and ask yourself: "Am I investing or looking for excitement?"

2. Buy high and sell low - don't follow your feelings

Do you always like to chase the rise and sell the fall? When you see a certain currency or stock soaring, you immediately follow it; but it starts to fall as soon as you buy it. Take another look, and make up your mind to sell it! As a result, it starts to rise again after you sell it. It feels like riding a roller coaster that is out of control. The only certainty is that you will definitely be the one thrown off. Remember, if you follow the trend and chase the rise and sell the fall, the end result is "you are not there when it rises, you have bought when it falls, and you have sold when it rises back, and your account is empty."

3. Ignore stop loss - don't let your account become a bottomless pit

Stop loss is like a safety belt in trading. Although it is a bit restrictive, it can save lives at critical moments. However, many people find it troublesome and think that "the market will come back", but the market falls deeper and deeper, and finally they can only watch their account balance get smaller day by day. If you don't stop loss, your account will really become a bottomless pit. Remember, stop loss is not your enemy, but your umbrella, which allows you to keep the last dry food in the storm.

4. Overconfidence - the market doesn't listen to you

After some people have made a few successful trades, they feel like they are possessed by the god of stocks and have the market under their control. But don't forget that the market is very deep and you will be swept into the big waves if you are not careful. Overconfidence will only make you lose your mind in trading and make some decisions that you will regret. The market does not listen to you, it only listens to itself, so staying humble is always the way to survive.

5. Don’t learn – refuse to be an “ignorant hero”

"The stock market is based on feelings, and the cryptocurrency world is based on luck." - If you have this idea, stop it! If you want to make money without learning, you are simply treating yourself as an "ignorant knight", fighting monsters and leveling up in the market every day, but in the end you don't even pick up a penny. Learn some basic knowledge, pay attention to industry trends, and give yourself some "defense", so that you have a chance to make a name for yourself in the market.

Conclusion: Get rid of bad habits and your trading journey will be smoother

There are many pitfalls on the road of trading, but as long as you can avoid these bad habits, the road ahead will be less winding. Remember, trading is not gambling your life, but managing your small treasury. Only by getting rid of bad habits can you live longer and earn more in the world of trading!

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