The mentality you should have at this time

1: Understand and accept delayed gratification

Everything is difficult at the beginning, especially in the situation of lack of connections and resources. As an ordinary investor, the cycle of seeing positive feedback is often longer. Therefore, you should not become eager for quick success or give up easily because you fail to make a profit for a while. Many times, with a little more persistence, you can see the dawn of hope.

2: Set a period of cultivation, regardless of short-term gains

Set a time period for yourself to focus on cultivation without seeking immediate gains. Taking the Bitcoin halving as an example, after the halving in 2017, 2018 may be the time to sell chips; after the halving in 2020, 2021 may be a good opportunity to ship; after the halving in 2024, it is expected that 2025 may be a bull market. Even if you buy from the bottom of the bear market, you will have to wait for two years or even longer to get a definite return. During this period, you may encounter various unforeseen black swan events and other accidents, so you must be fully prepared for this.

3: Understand the cyclical nature of the market, survive the trough and welcome the highlight

The market is composed of countless cycles of troughs and highlights. Knowing this, you will understand that the current trough is only temporary, so you can better face the ups and downs in the market. The market will not always be at a low point. When despair reaches a certain level, it is the time for reversal.

For more analysis points, please read the beginning image carefully.

