News, policies, funds, this side and that side, all ultimately affect people's hearts. People trade because of expectations. What is related here is people's greed and fear, people's greed, anger, ignorance, doubt and slowness. The trading system of the Chaos Theory never predicts, has no expectations, and only follows the market's joint efforts and market trends. There is no need for greed and fear here, just look at the structure. That's all.

But just knowing this is far from enough, because no expectations may be the biggest expectations, and no greed and fear may be the biggest greed and fear. Not predicting or not expecting is not unpredictable or unpredictable, but not expecting or predicting for greed and fear, everything is based on the law of the trend itself.

Figure 1: In 21 years, the big cake stepped back to the daily line and broke the new high with three buys

Figure 2: At present, the big cake daily line stepped back to the next section, will there be three buys in the future to break the new high? Wait and see~