2024.8.13 Funds: 49903U

50,000U, just one step away!

Maybe I can reach 50,000U tomorrow, are you ok?

Yesterday's SUI was really hard, and the funds were a little heavy in the front, resulting in the fact that when SUI1.1 was later, the funds I added to the position for T were relatively light, otherwise it would have broken 50,000U now, but fortunately it finally fell, helping me to get to the door.

Then I also made a wave of mistakes yesterday to share with you. Yesterday, I was going to quickly copy in and short T after the fee was collected at 16:00 in the afternoon. At that time, the fee was about -0.57%. As a result, I immediately pressed the open short at 16:00, but I didn't expect that the fee was still deducted, resulting in a loss of 68U as soon as I opened. . . I checked the time of the order opening at 15:59:59, and I was shocked. Then it did fall, but the profit of the point I opened was not enough to cover the handling fee, and I ended up losing money later. . .

Finally, I covered the position by rising to the pressure level, and then there was a wave of decline, which earned back the fee plus 100U, and I closed the position. This wave was a one-second difference and lost 68U, which was very wrong. Sometimes it is not a good thing to be too fast. Later, I can only operate one second slower to avoid losing more than the gain.

Now is almost the highest point of the funds today, maybe it will break 50,000 later, and I will post a post to strive for 50,000U tomorrow!

Current positions: BONK, W, WIF, ONDO (bullish), SUI, ZEC, CRV (bearish)

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