Tesla founder Musk and former US President and Republican presidential candidate Trump had a conversation of the century on Twitter (X). At first, because a large number of listeners were unable to listen, Musk said that he faced a DDoS attack. Later, it was conducted with a small number of listeners and then broadcast in an unmodified recording file.

(Link to conversation between Musk and Trump)

Border security takes center stage: America's survival issue over the next four years?

Trump expressed serious concerns about the current administration's border policies and warned of possible future problems. He pointed out that in the past three and a half years, a large number of immigrants have poured into the United States, which has caused domestic problems to accumulate. In his view, this situation has become a fundamental problem for the survival of the United States.

Challenges posed by open borders

Trump questioned the current administration's performance on border security, highlighting that the U.S. has experienced an influx of approximately 20 million people over the past three and a half years. He worries that if the border continues to remain open in the next four years, the United States will face more severe challenges. He emphasized that if this situation is not controlled, the United States may no longer exist as a country. He specifically mentioned that immigrants pouring into the United States come not only from South America but from all over the world, including Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

He emphasized that he was not against immigrants, but that they must enter the United States legally, and not allow a bunch of criminals to enter the country and create a lot of social problems.

The global migration problem: Can America afford it?

Trump noted that the U.S. has only 4 to 5 percent of the world's population, yet small numbers of immigrants from other parts of the world are enough to put pressure on the United States. He cited the situation in New York City, which is struggling because of its inability to cope with the influx of immigrants, as being particularly worrisome. He believes that such problems have exceeded the capacity of the United States and warned that if no measures are taken, the largest deportations in history may be required.

Crime purge in Venezuela, some criminals come to the United States

"Venezuela and some other countries, crime is down 50, 60, 70, 80 percent," Trump said. "I tell you, Venezuela didn't get rid of everybody. They got rid of about 70 percent of the very bad people. About 50% of the people in their prisons are sent to the United States."

The United States must have strong men in order to have international deterrence

Talking about the international situation, Trump said that if the US president cannot demonstrate sufficient deterrence, other countries and regions may become more reckless. He believes that when the international community considers an act of aggression, they first assess the response of the US president, and that the current leadership has failed to intimidate its adversaries.

The world is in turmoil because the majesty of the United States is no longer there

Trump said, first of all, the Israeli attack will not happen, Russia will not attack Ukraine, we will not have inflation, and we will not have chaos in Afghanistan. If you took away a few of these events, our world would be different. We also won't have inflation, which is caused by oil. When other countries think about invading or doing bad things, they think about what the President of the United States would do. Are they afraid of the President of the United States? Or is this someone they don't respect or fear? I think they will.

"He's a terrible president, one of the worst presidents in history," Trump said.

Criticisms of the Current Administration: Energy Policy and National Security

Trump also harshly criticized the current administration's decisions on energy policy. He noted that the current president shut down the U.S. Keystone XL pipeline but approved a Russian natural gas pipeline, an act that he viewed as illogical and inconsistent. He believes that such a decision weakens the energy independence of the United States and may affect national security.

America's future path

Trump emphasized that the current government leadership lacks the necessary deterrence to deal with severe challenges at home and abroad. He called on American voters to choose carefully in future elections to ensure that the next leader can effectively defend national security and prevent the United States from falling into a deeper crisis. He emphasized that only strong leadership can ensure the United States' global status and domestic stability.

Millions of people listened to this article! Musk talks to Trump: Banning illegal immigration, Biden will bring chaos to the world, only strongman politics will have a future for the United States. First appeared on Chain News ABMedia.