1. Law of Value: Wealth is created by providing value to others. The more value you create for others, the greater your ability to generate wealth. This can be done through products, services, skills or knowledge that benefit others.

2. Law of Supply and Demand: Wealth is largely influenced by the forces of supply and demand. Products or services in high demand and limited supply tend to be more valuable, allowing for the creation of wealth.

3. Law of Accumulation: Significant wealth is usually built over time through the accumulation and reinvestment of assets. Consistent saving, investing, and reinvesting are keys to wealth growth.

4. Law of Financial Discipline: Wealth creation requires discipline in managing resources. This includes controlling spending, avoiding unnecessary debt, and making prudent investments.

5. Law of Multiplication: Money has the ability to multiply when properly invested. This includes investing in stocks, real estate, businesses or any other form of asset that can generate income and grow over time.

6. Law of Return on Investment (ROI): To build wealth, it is crucial to seek investments that offer an adequate return relative to the risk involved. Understanding and calculating ROI helps you make smart financial decisions.

7. Law of Persistence: Wealth is rarely created overnight. Persistence and resilience in the face of adversity are essential to achieving and maintaining wealth.

8. Law of Leverage: Using other people’s resources, such as time, money or skills, can accelerate the process of wealth creation. This includes using smart loans, partnerships or even delegating tasks.

9. Financial Education Act: Understanding how money works and how to invest wisely is critical to building and protecting wealth. Ongoing financial education is essential to making informed decisions.

10. Law of Generosity: Many philosophies about wealth include the belief that sharing some of your wealth, whether through charity or investing in your community, not only improves society, but also returns in unexpected ways, whether through opportunities or personal satisfaction.

These laws are widely recognized by financial and personal success experts and are seen as essential guidelines for anyone who wants to achieve and maintain wealth over time.