When investing in the financial market, the first thing to consider is always risk.

Don't always think that my capital is small and I want to make a big profit with a small investment, which will make my already poor life even worse.

We can earn less, even if it is a loss, it must be within the scope of our ability to bear. Never use leverage, borrowing, etc. to invest in the cryptocurrency circle.

If you want to turn things around through the cryptocurrency circle, but you don't have the ability to make money, and you blindly ignore the risks, don't recognize value investment, and only want to make a profit in the cryptocurrency bull market, and regard the cryptocurrency trading as speculation or even gambling, then I didn't say anything.

But one day, you will think of what I said, just hope that at that time, your trial and error cost can be lower.

The two most difficult things in the world are nothing more than putting the money in your pocket into my pocket, and the other thing is to make your thinking and cognition recognize what I say and do.

These are all cause and effect. It is difficult for external forces to interfere with and intervene in the cause and effect of others. I personally liked to do this before, but it turned out to be useless.

Bodhisattvas fear causes, while ordinary people fear consequences. If you don't have personal experience, or even a heart-wrenching journey, it is difficult to wake up and realize these things.

The financial market is the only field where you don't have to look at other people's faces to act. Everything is the law of the jungle, and only strength matters.

If you can do it, you can get results. If you can't do it, you can't do it. If you can't do it, you will lose money. It's very direct, without the so-called face, self-esteem, feelings, preferences, etc.

Instead of listening to this and that every day, it is better to make up your mind, improve your own strength, and let yourself control everything.

Qualified investors who can think independently and make correct decisions.

In time, in the financial field, we can all get the results we want, and never think about taking shortcuts.

In the financial market, free is often the most expensive. Only when your own cognition is improved, others can't cut you, and you can't pay a lot of IQ taxes in the market.

How to relieve worries, only self-improvement! #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息? #sui/usdt $WIF $PEPE