If ordinary people want to achieve financial freedom and cross classes, they need to have the thinking of a banker. The cruel fact of this world is that the probability of identifying bubbles, joining bubbles, and even promoting bubbles is much greater than achieving financial freedom through hard work. If you can't become a banker, or can't control the situation, then you have to accept the reality that you may never achieve financial freedom.

Being a banker is the best way to achieve wealth transfer within the rules of the game. It is a legal "robbery" and "cheating". Just like shopping malls attracting investment, shopping malls are bankers, and small brands are often at a disadvantage. If you can't become a banker who dominates the market, then you can first become a small banker, accumulate your own chips, or seize the opponent's weaknesses, turn over in the local market, and gain an advantage.

To cross classes and achieve financial freedom, you need strategy and insight to be able to identify and take advantage of opportunities in the market. Otherwise, you must admit that financial freedom may be out of reach.