Cheating money, cheating on sex, cheating on feelings, the ceiling of fraud. Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about the pig-killing scam, which is the ceiling of fraud. After reading the internal training materials, I was scared to death. Now I will reveal to you how the pig-killing scam can cheat you into bankruptcy, and the black industry chain behind it that devours human nature.

Zhang San was sitting down to rest after a busy day when he saw a WeChat friend request. Seeing that the avatar was a pretty girl, he accepted the request without any rejection. The girl asked if it was Mr. Wang. Zhang San saw that it was another wrong person and said no. The other party quickly apologized and said that adding was fate and maybe we could have more friends.

Zhang San, who was about to delete the friend, stopped. He casually flipped through the girl's circle of friends and found that the girl was not only beautiful, but also harmless and liked to post pictures of her cats. Fate is so magical, Zhang San also has a cat.

At the same time, 3,000 kilometers away from Zhang San, in the Philippines, a young man named Li Si breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he had finally caught a fat pig. Some of you may have seen at a glance that this is a typical pig-killing scheme, which is a telecommunications fraud method that uses online dating to induce victims to invest in gambling.

Some scams can even defraud hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars from victims in just a few months. Today, let's get straight to the point and use Zhang San as an example to talk about the origins and development of the scam.

We all know that there are touts in many industries. Wine sellers have wine touts, tea sellers have tea touts, and motorcycle sellers have motorcycle touts. This one should not exist. In order to attract business, online DBs also have so-called touts. Later, people found that this model was very laborious. Anyway, people would lose money, so it would be easier to just trick people into coming in for a while.

Thus, a new fraud model was formed. Since this process is very similar to raising and killing pigs, people in the industry affectionately call it the pig-killing scam. Unlike other scams that are quick and easy, the biggest feature of the pig-killing scam is that it takes a long time to raise big pigs. After all, in matters of love, the longer the time, the deeper the trap. The longer the pig-killing scam, the more ruthless the killing.

In May 2020, a pig-killing scam in Qianjiang, Chongqing, involved a total of 11.09 million yuan. In October of the same year, a particularly large-scale pig-killing scam in Ankang, Shaanxi, involved a total of 190 million yuan. Not only was the amount involved huge, but it was also difficult to find effective clues.

Because these people are generally hiding in Southeast Asia, such as the Philippines and Myanmar, their methods of committing crimes are far more advanced than such low-level scams as Qin Shihuang transferring money. The two people have never even met each other, but they can make the victims keep sending money.

What kind of perfect lover can be so amazing? In fact, this perfect lover is not a person, but an account. There are dozens or even hundreds of professional teams behind it. The perfect lover is a persona team they carefully planned. It can also be divided into four groups: the supply group, the speech group, the technical group and the Q-washing group.

They correspond to the four steps of the pig-killing scam: finding pigs, raising pigs, killing pigs, and eating pigs. How did Li Si find Zhang San? It starts with finding out from the supply group. There are generally two ways. One is to operate in a refined manner, looking for older single women on dating websites, looking for young men or greasy men on Momo, and the customers are relatively clear. Another way is to work hard to achieve miracles, WeChat, Weibo, QQ, Facebook, and those who have heard of it or not, cast a wide net, competing on diligence and probability.

Have you ever received a WeChat friend request? This is the second method. After finding the customer, they still need the technical team to help crack the customer information, or directly find the insider of the corresponding platform to sell it, so that they can better prepare and feed pig feed. Pig feed is chat script, and it is said that a set of script can be sold for more than 100,000 yuan.

It covers all aspects of pig farming technology in detail, and is generally divided into three important chapters. The first chapter is about establishing the character. Because the victim's information is already known, you can just identify the victim.

Pigs are old single women, and liars are bachelors. Pigs are middle-aged greasy men, and liars are young and cute girls. No matter how picky a pig is, you can find the right pig feed.

Li Si plays such a cute girl. In order to make his performance more realistic, he needs to receive strict business process training. This includes knowledge such as magnetic field creation, story editing, character positioning, chatting and greeting, and detailed chatting key points. After the training, there are exams. I even doubt whether they have a credit system. All of this is not made up.

For example, in addition to setting his basic personality such as name, age, height, weight, measurements, and personality, Li Si also needs to prepare detailed information about his family situation, work situation, emotional history, etc. If he is engaged in a certain industry, he must understand the work content and income standards of this industry, or at least be able to fool laymen. There is a difficulty here. Where can Li Si, a big man who picks his toes, find such a set of life photos of beautiful women to post on his Moments?

In fact, it is not difficult. The technical team went to social networking sites in Hong Kong, Singapore and other regions to collect information about some fourth- and fifth-tier Internet celebrities, artists and models. They caught a lot of them. Moreover, these photos are classified by scene, and when to post what photos, what to post, what to get. Zhang San saw that Li Si liked cats, but in fact it was because of his own information leakage, and Li Si was just preparing pig feed.

Chapter 2: Chatting can be understood as raising pigs. From knowing each other to becoming familiar with each other, and then to establishing a relationship, the words used in each stage are different. You may think that it is okay for a man to play a man, but you feel awkward when you play a woman, right?

In fact, you think it is too simple. Not only do they have to play women, but sometimes they also have to play homosexuals. Long-term training and honing have already made them into movie emperors. Maybe each of them has a book on an actor's self-cultivation under his pillow.

In addition, they are well aware of the psychology of love. For example, they will never be a bootlicker and must have the right temper. For example, chatting with a man of high rank is called flirting, while chatting with a loser is called harassment. Take Zhang San for example. Sometimes Li Si makes him feel itchy when chatting with her, but sometimes he becomes cold. This kind of reciprocity is like fishing, which makes Zhang San dizzy and worried.

Moreover, Li Si would show weakness from time to time, ask some questions, and ask for some small favors. This is called the Franklin effect in psychology, which means that the more someone gives, the easier it is to be liked.

Of course, sometimes things don’t go smoothly. After all, Zhang San is not a fool and would suspect that Li Si is a liar. When this sign appears, Li Si does not panic at all. Instead, he scolds Zhang San and threatens to block Zhang San. As expected, Zhang San apologizes immediately, and the relationship between the two heats up again. After raising pigs for a few months, Li Si begins to observe the relationship between the two. When the time is right, he prepares to kill the pigs.

Chapter 3 is called "Fishing for the Big One", which actually corresponds to the exciting pig-killing segment. During the chat in Chapter 2, Li Si had occasionally revealed some information to Zhang San, such as that he had a profitable side job, and from time to time he would take a screenshot to Zhang San to show how much money he had made.

If Zhang San's appetite was whetted, Li Si would deliberately refuse, saying that it was leaked by an insider. After several times, Zhang San's heart could no longer be restrained. At this time, Li Si was still calm and composed. He implemented the principle of "no requests", no request for customers to add WeChat, no request for customers to enter the game, and no request for customers to top up money.

In this case, no matter how smart a person is, they would not think this is a scam, right? Especially when it is someone you like. "Impossible, right, impossible."

So, Zhang San took the initiative to ask Li Si to play with him. This is when the technical team came into play. The technical team would basically let Zhang San earn back the small amount of money invested at the beginning and give him enough benefits. If he was sure, Li Si would even pay for himself to play with him. This made money faster than moving bricks.

Just like Yuan Hua said: "Before I destroy myself, I must first let it expand." Greed expands little by little. After Zhang San puts in a large sum of money, he finds that he has lost money. At this time, Li Si will continue to observe. If Zhang San wants to win it back, he will push again, otherwise he will disappear directly.

Of course, under normal circumstances, due to the influence of gambler psychology, Zhang San would also feel that he could win the money back, so he sold everything he had and bet everything on Li 4 who was far away in the Philippines. Seeing this scene, Li 4 smiled with his back teeth exposed, ready to open champagne to celebrate, because his work here has been successfully completed, and he just needs to wait for food and accommodation.

After losing both his money and his life, Zhang San finally came to his senses and quickly decided to call the police, but the situation was already difficult to recover because his money had already been transferred from the technical team to the Q-laundering team. How did it work specifically?

According to the content shared by netizens, I have sorted it out. There are many payment channels now, such as Alipay, WeChat, online banking, etc. Each of them requires a payment code, which is too troublesome. We can find that when we go to a store, we can get it done with just one code. This is an aggregation platform.

Payment is similar to the middleman making a profit from the price difference, which saves the merchant trouble and the platform earns the hard-earned money. Generally, if a merchant wants to access the platform, they must provide information to various payment institutions to apply for an account. But illegal platforms are different. They directly use the platform's own merchants to collect money, and after collecting the handling fee, the money goes to the pig-killing plate.

At the same time, in order to disguise themselves, the information on their illegal settlement platforms is all purchased personal information or corporate information. You may wonder, who is so stupid to provide personal information? In fact, it is some uninformed students, mothers, etc. Maybe they were told that the business order is profitable, so they gave the information to others. This information was transferred layer by layer, and finally reached the illegal settlement platform after several hands, so there will be no problem in the short term.

Even if we find these mothers, they can only provide very few clues. In addition, some use methods such as credit recovery from financial institutions. In short, there are many methods, and they change frequently, and try not to leave any clues. In this way, the pigs are slaughtered cleanly and without any traces. There are few clues and it is difficult to obtain evidence.

However, as high as the devil is, so high is the road. In order to combat and rectify illegal and criminal chaos on the Internet, relevant departments have carried out various special operations, such as the Clean Network 2019 Card Cutoff Operation, etc., and have achieved remarkable results. Only in 2021 In the first half of the year, 5,682 fraudulent phone cards were cleared, 280 million fraudulent bank accounts were rectified, and 550,000 fraudulent website addresses were blocked.

It can be said that it has dealt a fatal blow to these black and gray industries. In addition to these, in fact, everyone should also raise their awareness of prevention, and do not think that they are lucky and have a high IQ, and have illusions. After all, people are amateurs in fraud prevention, and they are professionals in fraud. Scammers never test people's IQ, but test human nature, because these scams will continue to develop and update, and maybe one day a more tempting scam will emerge.

So, you still have to keep your inner demons under control, don't believe in any pie in the sky luck in love, restrain your desires, and control your greed, so that you can respond to all changes with constancy, and respond to chaos with stillness.

Okay, that’s all for this episode. Thank you for your patience in watching. If this article is helpful to you, please support us by clicking three times. We will continue to update the scam revelations in the future.