#sushiswap admins; increased the total supply amount while the price was rising and decreased the price and repeated this many times. They said things like giving money to the sushilabs team as a reason, and they hid behind it by saying that they made the decision by voting. The vote was a shady vote. They opened accounts to make the vote in their favor and affected the results of the vote. This information came to light because sushiswap employees opposed this vote.

Our real current problem is different. Approximately 3.75M volume of sushi coins were recently sent from the sushiswap wallet to the binance exchange platform. If this amount of volume is sold, they can hide behind it by saying it was a voting decision again. Sushiswap management, which has been increasing the total supply amounts one after another without informing its investors, can sell these coins to end $SUSHI coin.

A few commentators write that this amount of coins transferred to the exchange is not for sale, but for margin borrowing. Let's think about it this way; are sushi coin and sushiswap much bigger than binance? Doesn't binance hold enough coins to cover sushi coin margin borrowing? What's the point if 3.75M volume of coins are not in binance wallets for margin borrowing and are on the spot? By asking more questions like these, I realized that this would not be a correct diagnosis.

So why don't dear sushiswap officials make a statement on this issue? They say they won't sell these and don't stand behind them? Or don't they say they will sell them and transfer the money to sushilabs?

Let's come to another, even more serious dimension of the matter. There is a coin called SUSHIX that is given when staking is done and its price is 30% different. Is it among the plans of sushi to make all the investors of the sushiswap team lose by staking sushi?

It was really a shame for Sushi coin. I think Sushiswap administrators are trying to reset and delist Sushi coin.