📊 BTC/USDT 24-hour quick analysis |

Current price: approximately 60,329 (latest price according to chart)

📈 Short-term trends:

Within 24 hours, it showed a trend of rising first and then falling, rising from about 60,500 to a high of about 62,000 and then falling back.

🔍 Key price points:

Support: 59,500-60,000 area

Resistance: 61,500-62,000 area

💡 Trading advice:

- Long: consider entering if it breaks through 62,000, and set the stop loss below 61,500

- Short: A break below 59,500 could be a signal, with stop loss above 60,000

📊 Trading volume analysis:

As can be seen from the heat map, the trading volume in the 60,000-61,000 range is relatively large and may be an important support/resistance area.

⚠ Risk warning:

- Prices fluctuate greatly in the short term, so it is recommended to operate with caution

- Follow overall cryptocurrency market sentiment and global financial market trends

- Bitcoin related news and regulatory policies that may have a significant impact on the price # #æŻ”ç‰čćčŁ #抠毆èČšćčŁ #äș€æ˜“ç­–ç•„

Disclaimer: This analysis is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. The cryptocurrency market has high risks, so investment needs to be cautious.