Many people don't understand FDV, circulation market value, price, liquidity, multiples

FDV refers to the total circulation market value = total amount * current price

The total amount here includes destruction and lock-up, which refers to the total issuance

Circulation market value = circulation amount * current price

Exclude the destruction, lock-up and other tokens that are not or will never be circulated

Relationship between liquidity and multiples

Generally speaking, the LP added later is not calculated

The square of the liquidity multiple = the multiple of the price

For example, when 1e launches 10e, the price is 10 squared, which is 100 times

Of course, when calculating the multiple of liquidity here, you need to consider

1/ If the smart contract brings back flow, then there will be deviations

2/ If someone removes or adds liquidity the day after tomorrow, there will also be deviations