We can clearly see that both idealism and materialism are incomplete. Despite this, idealism still has more advantages than materialism. Because idealism emphasizes the subjective superiority of human beings and puts human beings above things. This is very important❗️

Man is the measure of all things, and he makes laws for nature. Nature is not a sophisticated machine, it has no inevitable laws and preset purposes, it is man who invented the laws and then imposed them on nature.

I always believe in this belief: everything that can be known by humans must be lower than humans. The reason why we can know everything is that we overlap with everything. We can only know the part that we overlap with everything, and the part beyond the overlap is the unknown area.

When we learn about everything, we first generate a "pre-set mental tendency", which is usually manifested as a certain conjecture. With this "mental tendency", we go to nature to find physical events that match it. When the physical event we need appears, the "mental tendency" will automatically capture it and establish a connection with it, thus giving us a "false impression of regularity". In fact, there is no regularity in the appearance of physical events, and nature itself is chaotic. The "mental tendency" is in a standby state for a long time. It automatically ignores those physical events that do not match it, and automatically captures and connects those physical events that match it.