We are currently in the middle of the downward bullish flag trend and moving upwards. It seems that we are on the verge of a decline to around 58800 or an increase to around 69800. If you ask which of these two options is closer, in my opinion, there will be an increase until Tuesday, August 14, 2024, which will bring us to the 62-64K range. After that, it will retreat to around 58-59K or more specifically, just below 60K and peak here at 70K, which I predict will take us to August 22-26. Currently, the trend is moving positively, but we have just broken the daily EME 200 level. Pay attention to Tuesday. I will probably reduce my positions tomorrow afternoon and start waiting for Tuesday evening. The highest leverage I can use until Tuesday is around 10x and I keep around 25% of my money in futures.

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