$MAV Coin Price Analysis 💰🤓💰

The current price of $MAV is $0.177, ranking it at #539 in the cryptocurrency market. Over the past 24 hours, the price has fluctuated between a low of $0.156 and a high of $0.189. The market capitalization of MAVis $44 million.

Historically, Mavhas seen an all-time high of $0.82 and an all-time low of $0.11. This means that the current price is at a discount of approximately 78% from its all-time high.

The significant discount from its all-time high suggests that $MAV has experienced a substantial price correction. While this may present a buying opportunity for some investors, it's essential to approach with caution. The cryptocurrency's market trends, adoption rates, and overall performance should be carefully evaluated before making a decision.

The recent price fluctuations indicate a moderate to high level of volatility, which may impact the investment's risk profile. Investors should conduct thorough research and consider their risk tolerance before investing in $MAV. With a market capitalization of $44 million, Mav is a relatively small player in the cryptocurrency market, which may make it more susceptible to price swings.

It's crucial to keep an eye on market trends and news that may impact the cryptocurrency's price. Additionally, investors should consider setting stop-loss orders and diversifying their portfolios to manage risk effectively.

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