Analyzing Bitcoin's Market Cycles: A Timeline to Future Predictions

The 152-Week Phenomenon

Bitcoin took 152 weeks to go from its cycle low in January 2015 to its cycle high in December 2018. Interestingly, it also took 152 weeks to go from its cycle low in December 2018 to its cycle high in November 2021. This pattern suggests that Bitcoin's market cycles are becoming increasingly predictable in terms of duration.

Time to Recover to Previous Highs

It took 110 weeks for Bitcoin to recover to its previous cycle high of $1,180 in November 2013 after hitting its cycle low. In the next cycle, it took 103 weeks to return to the previous cycle high of $19,600 in December 2017. The average time to recover to previous highs is approximately 107 weeks.

Future Projections

If the 152-week cycle continues, we can expect the next cycle high around October 2025. Based on the average recovery time of 107 weeks, Bitcoin could return to its previous cycle high of $69,300 by December 2024.

Bear Cycle Durations

The 2014 bear cycle lasted 59 weeks from cycle high to cycle low. The 2018 bear cycle was slightly shorter, taking 52 weeks. The 2022 bear cycle took 54 weeks, indicating a consistent pattern. The current low set at $15,600 in November 2022 is likely the low of this bear cycle, based on these durations.

Key Takeaways

  • Return to Bitcoin's all-time highs? Likely by December 2024.

  • Next Bitcoin cycle top? Probably around October 2025.


The patterns in Bitcoin's market cycles offer valuable insights for investors and traders. While past performance is not indicative of future results, the consistency in cycle durations and recovery times could serve as a useful framework for future projections.