Bitcoin and Ethereum came to the fore with the incident where users' data was seized by two brothers studying at the most competent universities in the USA during the transactions transferred to all computer networks instead of a central server and millions of dollars of crypto money were transferred to their accounts in seconds. People now meet their needs through digital platforms. Cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin and Ethereum, are preferred for investment. Recent events on the Ethereum platform have caused controversy.

Two brothers from the USA, Anton and James, who studied at MIT, quickly scammed Ethereum and carried out a major robbery, leaving people in shock. Two brothers named Anton Peraire-Bueno, 24, and James Pepaire-Bueno, 28, who study mathematics and computer engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), fundamentally shook the credibility of the cryptocurrency world.

Manipulating Ethereum, one of the platforms where people can easily increase their monetary value, thanks to the special skills they acquired during their education and their expertise in cryptocurrency trading, two brothers transferred $25 million to their own accounts in 12 seconds.

The fraud scheme of the two brothers, who manipulated the documents in question and interfered with the transaction verification process, went down in history in the technology world. The duo, who proceeded quite strategically during their transactions, established fake companies and used different private cryptocurrency addresses and foreign cryptocurrency exchanges to hide their identities.

Despite all this, the two brothers were caught in a short time and arrested on charges of wire fraud and money laundering. The US Department of Justice, which stated that the robbery was the first of its kind to date, made a big splash with the statement made by the prosecutor. Deputy Prosecutor Lisa Monaco said; "The Peraire-Bueno brothers stole $25 million worth of Ethereum by implementing a plan they had been working on for months using very advanced, sophisticated technology in seconds."

The brothers, who refused to return the money they stole during the investigation, tried to hide the money by resorting to money laundering. It was learned that the inspectors who looked into the case called the crime 'The Exploit'. $ETH $BTC $SOL