The one who knows how to buy is the apprentice, and the one who knows how to sell is the master. If you want to develop in the cryptocurrency circle for a long time and make a living by trading in cryptocurrencies, it is important to follow the trend. After more than 10 years of trading in cryptocurrencies, Lao Jiu has been constantly learning from the masters around him. After years of exploration and practice, his experience has filled the entire notebook. Today, I spent 4 hours sorting it out and shared the actual trading cases with everyone again for free!

Everyone has heard of following the trend many times. Where do you start following the trend? Where do you start to operate? Sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. Lao Jiu will explain it clearly in the form of pictures and texts!

After being in the market for a long time, I know the importance of trends very well. Among the many trend analysis tools, this method can be said to be quite outstanding because it is simple and effective and widely popular. Through 4 classic illustrations, the process of trend formation, development and turning can be clearly shown.

In the final analysis, its essence can be summarized in three points: grasp the general trend, step on the rhythm, and flexibly adjust the position. Lao Jiu puts the illustrations at the end of the article and adds annotations to facilitate everyone to understand and master it more clearly, hoping to bring more ideas to everyone. (Applicable to cycles of 4 hours and above)!

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