People who can really make money continuously in the investment field usually have the following characteristics and practices:

1. Long-term investment perspective: They focus on the long-term value of assets rather than short-term price fluctuations. They share the benefits of corporate growth by holding high-quality assets for a long time.

2. Prudent asset allocation: According to your own risk tolerance and financial goals, rationally allocate different types of assets, such as stocks, bonds, funds, real estate, etc., to diversify risks and balance returns.

3. In-depth fundamental analysis: When selecting investment targets, we will conduct in-depth research on fundamental factors such as the company's financial status, industry competitiveness, management team, etc., rather than relying solely on market rumors or short-term hot spots.

4. Control emotions and risks: Do not be swayed by the market's enthusiasm or panic, stay calm and rational. At the same time, strictly control risks and set reasonable stop-loss and take-profit strategies.

5. Continuous learning and adaptation to change: Financial markets are constantly evolving and successful investors will continue to learn new knowledge and skills and adapt to new market environments and investment tools.

6. Patience and discipline: Wait for the right investment opportunity, do not blindly follow the trend or trade frequently. And strictly abide by the investment plan and discipline you have set.

7. Pay attention to cash flow management: ensure that there is sufficient cash reserve to deal with emergencies, and plan the inflow and outflow of funds reasonably.

It should be noted that there is no absolute formula for success in investment, and there are uncertainties and risks in the market, but following the above principles can increase the probability of success in investment.