#ATA #ATA Historical Price & Market Analysis

The current price of Automata Network is $0.081008 and it is currently ranked #441 out of all cryptocurrencies. The amount of supply currently in circulation for Automata Network is 425,989,022 with a total market capitalization of $34,299,674.

In the past 24 hours, the price of Automata Network has increased by 3.36%. Automata Network has grown at a steady pace over the last 7 days, gaining 4.03%. This increase has Automata Network investors excited about the return on investment that they have made this week.

Within the last 30 days, the price of ATA increased by 12.87%, adding $0.009237 to its previous value of $0.071771 and pushing the market capitalization to $34,299,674. If you are thinking of buying Automata Network today, you should wait until another bear market to invest in ATA. The price of Automata Network has dropped by 20.17% in the last 3 months, eliminating $0.020468 from its previous value of $0.101475.

Our Automata Network market forecasts are determined using various machine based algorithms which analyze various technical indicators such as the relative strength index (RSI), moving average convergence divergence (MACD), moving average (MA), average true range (ATR) and bollinger bands (BB).