1. Hold on to low-priced chips: Don’t be fooled easily, stick to your own judgment, and beware of the dealer’s tricks.

2. Avoid chasing highs and selling lows: Going all in will only make you suffer losses. When the general trend is positive, building positions in batches will have lower costs and greater returns.

3. Reasonable distribution of profits: Don’t just add more money to your account, you need to know how to release the potential of your funds.

4. Have strategies for sharp rises and falls: recover the cost first when the price rises sharply, stay steady when the price falls sharply, maintain a calm mind, and don’t operate blindly.

5. There are levels in the game: the early low-price layout relies on experience, while the later market game relies on technology and information. Don’t confuse the two.

6. Layered position building: buy and sell in batches to create price gaps and effectively control risks and profits.

7. Be familiar with the linkage effect: pay attention to the overall market situation, don’t just focus on the coins you have, the linkage effect will affect your decision-making.

8. Reasonable allocation of positions: The allocation of hot coins and value coins should be balanced, so as to have both returns and risk resistance.

9. Invest your spare money: Make sure you have enough funds to deal with market fluctuations. Reasonable risk control and capital allocation will determine your success or failure.

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