Main Image text: #BTC

※Abstract before the article: See attached picture for details

As mentioned in the 18 o'clock masking area, the 22 o'clock point to pay attention to is the low point. The price just after 22 points fell back to the lowest point.

——Future (Follow-up):

★However, as mentioned above, waiting for the empty master information at 0 o'clock, as mentioned in the article, future information will be given even if the empty master does not move.

But the current situation is very strange. This does not seem to be a BTC thing. The main force making a low point now is ETH.

Therefore, it seems that the artificial speculation on the 11th will be changed to... Due to theft and counterfeiting, the second half of the group will not be released for the time being. Binance Square will give priority to posting. Please check the posting time. If you need the second half If you are interested, please search my name to subscribe.