Protecting Yourself from Binance P2P Scams: Quick Guide🙏

I. Verify Profiles

Check for verified badges (e.g., "Verified" or "Merchant")

Ensure the buyer/seller has a complete profile with a profile picture, name, and bio

II. Check Ratings

Look for high ratings (95% or higher)

Check the number of completed trades and feedback from other users

III. Be Cautious of Low Prices

Be wary of prices significantly lower than market rates

If the price is too good to be true, it may be a scam

IV. Use Secure Payment Methods

Opt for payment methods with built-in protections, such as:

Credit cards


Bank transfers (with escrow services)

V. Don't Share Personal Info

Never share personal information, such as:



Phone number

Email address

VI. Communicate on Binance

Use Binance's chat feature for communication

Avoid using external communication channels (e.g., social apps)

VII. Watch for Red Flags

Be cautious of:

Urgent or pushy behavior

Requests for payment outside of Binance

Unusual payment requests (e.g., gift cards)

VIII. Use Binance's Escrow Service

Let Binance hold funds until the transaction is complete

This ensures payment is secure and protected

IX. Report Suspicious Activity

Inform Binance support of any suspicious behavior

Report users who violate Binance's terms and conditions

X. Stay Informed

Keep up-to-date with Binance security measures and best practices

Follow Binance official social media channels for updates and alerts

By following these detailed guidelines, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to Binance P2P scams and ensure a safe and secure trading experience.



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#P2PScamAwareness #P2PScamWarning #P2PScam