Solana developers, validators, and client teams have managed to fix a critical vulnerability in the network by securing a large portion of the network before the issue was made public.

According to the statements, the Solana Foundation contacted well-known network operators in the Solana ecosystem through private channels on Wednesday to fix the issue.

The parties carried out the process confidentially to prevent the vulnerability from being exploited and to patch it.

According to the information shared by Solana validator Laine, the patch was made possible thanks to an Anza engineer's GitHub repo. Thanks to this, operators were able to independently verify and implement the necessary changes to fix the issue.

The issue was announced when it was resolved

As of 17:00 UTC on Thursday, August 8, detailed instructions for applying the patch were shared with various stakeholders, securing 66.6 percent of the network.

The vulnerability was made public after 70 percent of the network had applied the patch. Solana Labs then made an announcement on Discord to all remaining operators to update their systems. The announcement reads, “Key contributors have identified a network security issue that requires an immediate response. Patch v1.18.21 will be available in 30 minutes. Be prepared to update immediately when the announcement is posted.”